Free 30 Day Demo (US only)! Now you can try the LumaLanes Swim Pacer System free for 30 days before you buy. Request a quote for a system and we’ll include details for the 30 free demo trial.

It’s as simple as that!

 Generation 4 Lumalanes Swim Pacing System

CE Approved for international orders

The LumaLanes 1-lane bundle

LumaLanes Bundles

LumaBundles include everything you need to put the system in the water and use it on day 1!

  • The entire LED strip is encased in a continuous silicone covering over the entire length for high reliability while maintaining flexibility

  • One LumaBox supports running up to 4 LumaLanes simultaneously; controlled one device (iPhone, Android, iPad, tablet)

  • The custom weight system fastens 6 x 1.5lb weights to the LumaLanes LED strip — The removable weights stay in place once attached to the LumaLanes

  • The LED strip is marked every 5 meters with yellow markers letting you know where the weights are to be placed

  • A pull handle at the end of the LED strip for simplified installation and removal; install time is around 1-2 minutes for experienced users

  • The entire LED strip and integrated weights store in the storage bag and are easily pulled out for quick installation

  • Two primary options available: 25 yard & 25 meter. The 25 meter can be used as a 25 yard with the phone app. Custom sizes are also available

The lumabox

  • Integrated 12 VDC battery will power 2 LED strips for 3 1/2 hours

  • External port for battery charger/charge time 4 hours

  • Waterproof enclosure

  • Easy waterproof LED Light strip connections

  • Easy waterproof 12V power supply or spare battery connection

  • Controlled from smart phone

  • A unique WiFi identifier for each control box, allowing you to use multiple systems in the pool

  • Downloadable software feature allows software to be upgraded easily from your phone

LumaLanes LEDs can support 8 swimmers; they have 8 different colors to follow! Being completely waterproof, thanks to the silicone encasing, you can trust them in the water now and for years to come!


LumaLanes LED Strips

  • Download the LumaLanes Simulator and PC version of the phone app on our website

  • Use the PC app on your computer and easily create and modify swimmer profiles and workouts before meeting with your swimmers

  • Save the sets and workouts to the cloud to be retrieved by your phone

  • Free! Download the PC app and LumaLanes simulator today and give it a try!

Spare 12 VDC Battery/Charger Option

Spare 12 VDC Battery/Charger Option

Spare battery pack to extend your workout

Plugs into the 12 VDC port on the control box

Spare battery pack to extend your workout time. Just plug it into the 12VDC port on the control box for double the time.

AC Power Supply

Plugs into the 12 VDC port on the control box

For permanent installations or extended workouts

6 ft AC power cord: 20 ft DC power cord

Must be plugged into GFI outlet

Buying and Configuration Information